Here are the answers to our quiz on key news topics from March, plus some additional background information.
1. Canada signed a new free trade agreement with which of the following countries:
Answer: b
Additional notes:
The deal has South Korean tariffs on Canadian goods being phased out over 15 years but provides South Korea the opportunity to have tariffs eliminated on goods imported by Canada much earlier. Some sectors, like the auto industry, are concerned that they will experience production cuts and job losses.
2. Quebec’s premier Pauline Marois is considering a referendum. What would she poll Quebec residents about?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
Marois is leader of the Parti Québécois and is vocalizing clearly about separating Quebec from the rest of Canada, and about what this would mean for Quebecers.
3. The old adage that you can’t get water from a stone was proved wrong by a discovery of:
Answer: a
Additional notes:
Researchers from the University of Alberta have been buying low quality diamonds from Brazil because they have traced amounts of other minerals in their cracks. After a two year study, it was confirmed that these diamonds come from a layer of water that lies 440 to 660 km beneath the earth’s surface.
4. How many provinces and territories in Canada now have a penalty for texting and driving?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
All but Nunavut have fines and/or demerit points
5. Canada is the newest creditor nation. What does this mean?
Answer: a
Additional notes:
For the first time in more than 90 years Canada has more direct investments, foreign currency reserves, stocks and other investments abroad than foreigners have in Canada.
6. Canada, along with other western nations, has imposed economic sanctions on which country?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
Sanctions against Russia have been largely focused on individuals but stricter sanctions are being considered as a result of Russia’s seizure of Crimea, a province of Ukraine.
7. The Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled against the appointment of Justice Marc Nadon of Quebec to the court. Why?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
Justice Nadon was not registered with the Quebec bar association, a requirement in the constitution.
8. What is the polar vortex?
Answer: b
Additional notes:
Polar vortex used to be a term used only by meteorologists, but this frigid winter it became part of the Canadian vocabulary.
9. Which of the following special days occur in the month of March?
Answer: d
Additional notes:
World Down Syndrome Day celebrates all people with the syndrome and occurs on March 21, St. Patrick’s Day celebrates the Irish on March 17 and International Women’s Day is March 8.
10. Alison Redford resigned as Premier of what province?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
Ms. Redford resigned effective March 23 in the midst of a controversy over her expenses and after the resignation of two prominent members of her party.
11. Which of Canada’s museums celebrated its 100th anniversary this year?
Answer: a
Additional notes:
The ROM is located in Toronto, Ontario; the Canadian Museum of Human Rights is set to open Sept 2014 in Winnipeg, Manitoba; The Canadian Museum of History is located in Gatineau, Quebec; and the Canadian Museum of Immigration is located at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia
12. Jim Flaherty resigned as Minister of Finance in March. Who took his place?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
Mr. Oliver’s background in investment banking and securities regulation make him one of the most experienced finance experts ever to be appointed Minister.
13. Which university is planning on closing two of its campuses?
Answer: c
Additional notes:
The University of Guelph is closing agricultural campuses in Kemptville and Alfred, Ontario, due to sagging enrollment.
14. Which professional sports league is considering expanding the number of teams it currently has?
Answer: a
Additional notes:
The NHL is in a very positive cash flow position and the opportunity to add two more teams seems to be coming close.
15. The CEO of which social media company visited China in March?
Answer: d
Additional notes:
Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter, visited China to meet with government officials, students and academics in an effort to understand and crack the lucrative Chinese market.
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