Here are the answers to our quiz on key news topics from October, plus some additional background information.

1. Who is the newest “dragon” on the Dragons’ Den TV show?

Answer: b

Additional notes: Manjit and her brother Ravinder started a Micro brewery when Manjit was just 19. Today at 33 they have annual sales of over $150 million.

2. What is a niqab?

Answer: d

Additional notes: Zunera Ishaq is challenging the legislation to ban niqabs at Citizenship ceremonies.

3. How much did voter turn-out increase in the advance federal election polls in 2015?

Answer: b

Additional notes: Elections Canada says 3.6 million ballots were cast over Thanksgiving weekend. This was a promising sign that voter apathy was coming to an end.

4.  Why are Uber and Intact Financial Corp. working with insurance regulators?

Answer: b

Additional notes: Uber and Intact are working with regulators to create Canada’s first auto policy geared to ride-sharing services. This shows that Ubers disruption to the marketplace is moving towards a new norm.

5. Arthur McDonald, professor emeritus at Queen’s University, received a prestigious award this year. What was it?

Answer: c

Additional notes: Mr. McDonald shares the prize with Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo. They won the prize for their contributions to experiments demonstrating that subatomic particles called neutrinos change identities, also known as flavours.

6. Which social media company is in the processing of downsizing and refocusing on innovation?

Answer: d

Additional notes: Jack Dorsey, one of the founders of Twitter, has just returned to the company as its chief executive. It is rumoured that he is going to announce layoffs and a halt to physical space expansion. Twitter is facing increased competition from Instagram, Snapchat and whatsapp which is threatening its ability to secure advertising dollars. Dorsey has said the company needs to focus on execution and innovation for the long run.

7.  What is TPP?

Answer: a

Additional notes: The agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership was reached after five years of negotiation. This accord binds together the economies of 12 countries: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States and Vietnam.

8.  On October 13, 2015, an animal at the Toronto Zoo gave birth to twins. Which animal?

Answer: d

Additional notes: The panda that is on loan from China gave birth to twins weighing approximately two hundred  grams each, which is equivalent to a stick of butter.

9. Which country recently opened an embassy in Washington D. C.?

Answer: c

Additional notes: Cuba opened an embassy after 54 years of Cold War. The two countries are restoring relations and opening a new chapter for engagement.

10. Who is the new Prime Minister of Canada?

Answer: b

Additional notes: The Liberal leader won a majority government with 184 seats and 49% of the popular vote.

11. Canada displayed different colours on Election Day. Which colour dominated your province?

Answer|: Varies by province

Additional notes: Atlantic provinces went dominantly red (Liberals).
Quebec had some orange (NDP) with red in Montreal and some blue representing the Bloc Québécois.
Ontario had a little of everything.
Nunavut and territories: red.
Manitoba: orange.
Saskatchewan: orange and blue for Conservatives.
Alberta: blue.
British Columbia: mixed.


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