In its simplest forms, cooperative learning can involve producing a lesson plan that sets out detailed tasks for a single group work assignment. You can find examples of these in the Classroom Edition (See, for example this lesson plan for a small group project on Brazil: Evaluation involves self-, peer-, leader- and teacher-assessment. offers a lengthy introduction to the concept of cooperative learning. Their definition: “Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. It may be contrasted with competitive (students work against each other to achieve an academic goal such as a grade of A that only one or a few students can attain) and individualistic (students work by themselves to accomplish learning goals unrelated to those of the other students) learning. In cooperative and individualistic learning, you evaluate student efforts on a criteria-referenced basis while in competitive learning you grade students on a norm-referenced basis. While there are limitations on when and where you may use competitive and individualistic learning appropriately, you may structure any learning task in any subject area with any curriculum cooperatively.” Read as much as you like or need to.