For the past 25 years, The 21st Century Learning Initiative has been working to “facilitate the emergence of new approaches to learning that draw upon a range of insights into the human brain, the functioning of human societies, and learning as a community-wide activity.” (source: website) Although it brings a United Kingdom perspective, the intriguing ideas apply broadly. For example, in his short article, “Can the learning species survive in schools?” John Abbott describes the context in which he researched and wrote a piece that explores the role of schools in the survival of the human species.

This organization has also produced an entertaining and informative series of animated videos on the subject of learning, with titles such as, “Responsible Subversives,” “The Faustian Bargain,” and “Born to Learn.” “Born to learn is a fun, thought-provoking series of animations that illustrate ground-breaking new discoveries about how humans learn.”