Here are the answers to our quiz on key news topics from April, plus some additional background information.
1. What are the Panama papers?
Answer: c
Additional notes: This was the largest data leak in history, containing more than 11.5 million confidential documents. It has already caused the prime minister of Iceland to resign.
2. What date was Talk With Our Kids About Money day?
Answer: a
Additional notes: Talk With Our Kids About Money is a national event organized by the Canadian Foundation For Economic Education and sponsored by Bank of Montreal.
3. Which Canadian city will have a new NHL arena for the 2016-17 season?
Answer: b
Additional notes: The Edmonton Oilers played their last game at the Rexall Centre in April.
4. Which NBA basketball player retired this month as a mega all-star?
Answer: b
Additional notes: After 20 unforgettable years with the LA Lakers, Kobe Bryant played his last game, scoring 60 points, a league record.
5. The First Nations community of Attawapiskat has declared a state of emergency. Why?
Answer: c
Additional notes: The number of people committing suicide or attempting it is at a catastrophic level, especially among the young. Ontario’s health minister has announced $2 million in aid.
6. Which African nation is struggling under drought conditions?
Answer: a
Additional notes: An estimated 10.1 million Ethiopians are impacted by food and water shortages.
7. Which countries experienced devastating earthquakes this month?
Answer: b
Additional notes: Japan experienced a 7.3 magnitude earthquake and Ecuador experienced 5.1. Both killed hundreds of people and yielded destruction.
8. When was the last time no Canadian team made the NHL playoffs?
Answer: c
Additional notes: Pundits were questioning what the resulting Canadian level of interest would be in the Stanley Cup playoffs.
9. Which country has voted to impeach its President this year?
Answer: c
Additional notes: President Dilma Rousseff lost the confidence of Congress, who voted to impeach her amid allegations of corruption.
10. What company is paying its employees to sleep?
Answer: b
Additional notes: Aetna is offering its employees $25 if they can demonstrate they get seven hours of sleep a night for at least 20 consecutive days.
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