Getting a credit card may be easy, but picking the one that’s right for you is a lot more complicated. Maybe your bank teller sold you on one with a rewards program and you went... read more
When clients come in for advice about saving for their grandkids, financial planner Jason Heath says it’s usually about setting aside money for college. But with the housing market increasingly out of reach for many... read more
The last time that a generation of young adults moving back home was a news story, much mockery ensued. Remember “failure to launch,” or “boomerang kids?” The cliché of millennials living slothfully in their parents’... read more
First, authorities moved to seize a house on British Columbia’s Salt Spring Island, bought for $1-million cash by the former spouse of a man accused of having ties to a global pump-and-dump stock scheme. Next,... read more
When COVID-19 restrictions lifted and Denise Gray’s kids, aged 14 and 12, were back at school, they began asking for money to go out for lunch. Frequently. “I would give them $10 a time and... read more
If you have a child who is heading off to school this fall and living off campus for the first time, they are going to need much more than just a rent cheque. While setting... read more
On the one hand, it’s a step forward in your financial life, a way to learn about responsibly using credit. On the other, it’s the quickest way to bury yourself in heavy debt if used... read more
Summer is just starting for most kids, but for college and university students it’s already halfway over. If you have a child who is off school and working for the summer, now’s a good time... read more
The long-awaited interest rate U-turn is finally at hand. Rates began rising from pandemic lows in March, 2022, and have been flat since last summer. We are still far from unwinding those recent rate hikes,... read more
Many people find budgeting tedious and boring. That’s not to say it isn’t important. The worst thing you could do is stick your head in the sand when it comes to your spending habits and... read more
Going back to school can be a great way to accelerate your career, whether it’s getting a master’s degree or taking a certificate program to add more skills to your repertoire. But it’s also a... read more
As parents, we make daily decisions about spending, saving and debt. And whether we realize it or not, our kids notice. These decisions shape their future beliefs and foundational knowledge about money, and can have... read more
Julia Chung, co-founder and chief executive officer of Vancouver-based Spring Planning Inc. and president of the Financial Planning Association of Canada, talks about growing up with hippie parents, surviving as a single teenage mom, and... read more
Almost 30 years ago, Maya Corbic and her family moved to Canada from war-torn Bosnia. Today, Ms. Corbic is a certified public accountant and author of a book called Piggy Banks to Stocks: The Ultimate Guide... read more
Cottage owners looking to sell are scrambling to close deals before proposed changes to the rules on capital gains take effect and potentially leave them on the hook for much higher tax bills, realtors say. The federal budget released... read more