This is a case study of a start-up venture.
Appropriate Subject Area(s):
Entrepreneurship, marketing, public relations
Key Questions to Explore:
- How can a start-up continue to expand beyond the local community?
Materials Needed:
Introduction to lesson and task:
Students will read and review the case study and then, using the information, create a Lean Canvas model for expansion.
Action (lesson plan and task):
- Distribute the first part of the article, up until Experts Weigh In, to the class for reading.
- In groups of four, have students discuss the business concept and how Jenny approached the start-up and early growth of her venture.
- Using the Lean Canvas model template from the link above, have students develop the model they would recommend to Jenny.
- Have each group share their ideas with the class and ask for feedback.
- Give each group an opportunity to review the feedback and make adjustments to their model.
Consolidation of Learning:
- Distribute the expert advice from the article. Have students read the advice and review it against what they have included in their Lean Canvas model.
Success Criteria:
- Students understand how to use the Lean model to chart a course for a venture.
Confirming Activity:
- Have each student write a one or two-page letter of advice to Jenny based on the Lean Canvas model developed in their group and incorporating any advice of the experts that is aligned with their own thinking.