offers predictions from education experts about what’s on the horizon for classrooms in 2015. Most centre on “new theories about how to engage both students and teachers in the classroom.” For example, Barbara Stengel of Vanderbilt University is among those who say that the “biggest challenge is changing the mindset” about what good schooling looks like—such as rows of desks and a teacher at the front of the room. She predicts more individual instruction using “online and blended learning opportunities.” Among other predictions, we will see more student-driven learning, which will improve self-confidence; “smarter use of data,” in which teachers might look for patterns in data to see if more than one student is having a particular problem in math, for example, and to dig down to the underlying reasons; and “differentiated PD, where individual teachers get the kind they need for the stage in their career, via internships or the use of online learning.