This article outlines how a startup was able to garner significant financial resources.
Appropriate Subject Area(s)
Market research, entrepreneurship, opportunity Identification, employee engagement
Key Questions to Explore:
- Why would organizations value a tool such as Nudge?
Introduction to lesson and task:
Using the Triangle, Square, Circle approach will help students dive into the article and come away with a good understanding of the concept and the value in the concept.
Action (lesson plan and task):
- Distribute the article for reading.
- Using Think-Pair-Share, have students analyze the article using the Triangle, Square, Circle approach. Individually, have students draw a triangle and write down three key points in the article at each of the points of the triangle. Next, have students draw a square and have them write down concepts in the article that are squared away in their minds (concepts they understand). Then have students draw a circle and have them write down concepts, questions and ideas that are noodling around in their brains.
- Have students pair up to share their triangle, square and circle. Ask them to discuss any differences.
- Combine pairs and have them explore the concepts, questions and ideas that they are still noodling away in their minds.
- Ask each group to share this with the class.
- Complete the class with a summary of the discussion.
Consolidation of Learning:
- In the same groups of four, ask students to apply DeBono’s 6 Thinking Hats to analyze Nudge Rewards. Reminder, Black Hat-negative Ideas, Yellow Hat-positive ideas, White Hat-Facts only, Green Hat-Creative ideas, Blue Hat-control, Red Hat-intuitive.
Success Criteria:
- Students understand the value in this motivating tool.
Confirming Activity:
In small groups, have students answer the following questions:
- Why would employees be interested in using this APP?
- Why are investors interested in this APP?