With four months remaining in this school year, you may be searching for summer courses to upgrade your credentials. To this end, we have assembled suggestions for your consideration, from an international teaching experience to continuing graduate coursework. If you plan to enroll in a summer session, you’d best get on it; deadlines for enrolment can be earlier than you might expect. Tuition fees apply, ranging approximately from $500-$750 per course.
- St Francis Xavier, Nova Scotia – St. Francis Xavier University’s two summer courses are both 500 (master’s) level, running consecutively from July 6th to July 30th.
- Queen’s University, Ontario – Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, offers a broad range of summer courses for educators, many of which apply to seeking specialist qualifications. Best of all, all are offered online, equally accessible to anyone anywhere.
- University of Alberta – The Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta offers several 500-level summer graduate courses for educators, from Existential Education to Robotics and Learning.
- University of British Columbia – UBC Faculty of Education’s summer program, in their words, “…consists of a package of two courses, each with approximately 39 hours of class time. Courses are directed and taught by UBC – appointed faculty. Classes are interactive and may include group discussions, guest lecturers, presentations, and group research projects. Course credit may be granted at the discretion of the participating universities.”
- Canadian Teachers’ Federation – Looking to travel and work abroad? Consider the Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s International and Social Justice Program: “Are you ready for something more in your professional life? Are you looking for a larger, more global view of education? As a teacher, do you feel you have more to offer, and more to learn? If yes, Project Overseas (PO) might be for you!” Prerequisites include five years of successful teaching experience and Canadian citizenship.
- Ontario College of Teachers – Ontario teachers can upgrade their qualifications via the Ontario College of Teachers’ course offerings—especially of interest to those who are looking for a “principal’s development course.”
- Manitoba – For something completely different, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights is offering The Historical Thinking Summer Institute (HTSI), which “…is designed for teachers, graduate students, curriculum developers, professional development leaders, historians and museum educators who want to enhance their understanding of historical thinking and their expertise in designing history programs, courses, units, lessons, projects, or educational resources that explicitly focus on historical thinking.”
- Masters Programs Atlantic Canada – The New Brunswick Teachers’ Association lists all the universities offering M.Ed. programs in Atlantic Canada, with links to their programs, for teachers who are seeking to secure a “Certificate 6.” Note: There are too many approved degree-granting institutions offering meaningful post graduate degree programs to provide all contact details here. This website does not endorse or promote any institution, nor does the omission of any university imply anything other than lack of space here.
- Quebec – In conjunction with the McGill Faculty of Education, McGill’s School of Continuing Studies offers a range of summer courses, many of which are focused on Indigenous education. You’ll need to search the catalogue carefully to find the courses scheduled for 2020.
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