Introduce them to the article
We will ultimately emerge from this surreal virus situation in which we find ourselves so let’s leave the stresses and frustrations associated with it behind and look to the world beyond. Many things will be the same but some things will be different.
- This might be a good starting point to discuss with your son or daughter their ideas about what will be the same and what will be different.
- This will, obviously, cover a wide range of topics so once the list has been established, narrow the discussion to job situations.
- Discuss with them what things they imagine will be the same and what things might be different.
- With this as background, read the article together and get their reaction to what they have just read.
- Narrow the discussion to personal relationships and discuss if they think they will behave differently once they return to their job (or would change if they had a job).
- Ask them now to consider family relationships at home.
- Identify for them that, as a result of prolonged home isolation, the divorce rate has started to skyrocket, family strife situations are on the rise and child abuse cases are climbing.
- Discuss with them what some of the causes of this could be.
- Review with them the EASE acronym identified in the article and discuss with them how, if utilized. It could go a long way in avoiding unnecessary conflict and abuse.
Terms to explain
Key things they can learn from it
- Things which might be different post-virus impact
- The value of relationships
- Strategies to employ to avoid conflict and respect other people.
Sample questions to pose
- What do you think will be different once we get by the virus challenge?
- What do you see as major sources of conflict between people?
- Do you think that if the EASE approach were taken that stresses and interpersonal conflict could be reduced?
Challenges to look into
- Changing lifestyles post COVID-19
- Changing nature of jobs
- Reasons for interpersonal conflicts
- The value of friendship
- The importance of an EASE approach to interpersonal relationships
Seeking their opinions
Throughout this discussion, their opinions can be sought on:
- Will the post-viral world be a better one?
- How will things change?
- How valuable are personal relationships?
- What do we need to do to maintain those valuable relationships?
Helpful Internet searches
- The post COVID-19 world –
- The causes of interpersonal conflict –
- Strategies to avoid interpersonal conflict –
Activities to do together
- Read and discuss some of the Internet articles
- Practise showing empathy and appreciation for the other person’s position
- Discuss ways in which they would behave differently (or not) once returning to their job.