This is a case study showing how innovation can be brought to a long-established profession.
Appropriate Subject Area(s):
Entrepreneurship, marketing
Key Questions to Explore:
- What factors give rise to innovation?
Introduction to lesson and task:
This is a case study of an innovative start up in a well-established sector.
Action (lesson plan and task):
- As a class, discuss how Airbnb and Uber have brought innovation to an established sector. Brainstorm other businesses that have brought innovation to an established sector.
- Discuss what is typically the result of innovation.
- Distribute the article for reading.
- In pairs, have students role-play the interviewer and Nicole.
- In pairs, have students discuss: what resonated with her answers?
- Discuss what innovation Nicole has brought to the established sector.
- Ask why consumers would be interested in this innovation.
- Ask why photographers would be interested in this innovation.
Consolidation of Learning:
- Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the factors that gave rise to innovation for Nicole Smith and for another innovation in a different sector, such as Second Closet (featured in this lesson plan in November):
Success Criteria:
- Students understand factors that give rise to innovation.
Confirming Activity:
- In groups of four, have students brainstorm other industries that could diversify through innovation.