Teachers who work with children with learning disabilities may be interested in Atlantic Summer Institute, offered by the University of Saint John Faculty of Arts. The program is offered, one week at a time, over three years. The first-year course “examines learning disabilities and how they impact academic functioning and success. Considered are specific learning disability types, individual type characteristics and defining cognitive, behavioural, educational and socio-economic features.” Biology teachers and others may be interested in the Seaside Program, offered by Dalhousie University. “SEASIDE offers 18 half-credit courses in intensive 2-3 week format. Each is equivalent to a one-term course of 3 credit hours. These Biology (BIOL) courses may be cross-listed as Marine Biology (MARI), Oceanography (OCEA) Environmental Science (ENVS), or Geography (GEOG). Some are open to non-majors.”